The Brilliance School offers a rigorous college-prep curriculum built around excellent teaching and core academic skills.

Excellent Teachers

Effective learning starts with effective teaching. Our instructional staff design rigorous, relevent lessons that challenge students every day.

All teachers take part in regular training and professional development to enhance their instructional skills.

State-Aligned Currculum

All Brilliance courses are mapped to Ohio state standards and all teaching tools are approved by industry clearinghouses.

The Brilliance curriculum is designed to prepare K-8 graduates with the skills and knowledge for high school success.

Intervention and Individualized Support

The Brilliance School curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students. We deploy a robust support network of counselors, tutors, and intervention specialists to close academic gaps and help scholars surpass grade-level standards.

A program designed for student success.

Math & Language Arts

The Brilliance curriculum is rooted in developing the core proficiencies of reading, writing, and math.

Data-Driven Instruction

Brilliance uses dynamic assessment tools to monitor learning outcomes and refine lessons throughout the year.

Experiential Learning

Field trips and hands-on learning encounters take academics beyond the textbook and make learning fun.

Digital Learning Tools

Now enrolling grades K-8.